
Country: South Korea


Form of Government:

Unitary state, presidentialism, constitutional republic

Leader (preside nt):

Yoon Suk-yeol


51 891 940

Capital and largest city:

Seoul is the largest capital in South Korea and the largest city is Andong

Monetary unit:

won sul- coreano


Korean and Korean Sign Language


Confucianism to Christianity different religions, sects and religious movements such as Jeungism, Daesunism, Cheondoism, Taoism and Shamanism dispute the adhesion of South Koreans, the largest number of adherents to religious practices is divided between Buddhism and Christianity.

Economy: What is the economic situation in South Korea?

South Korea has experienced remarkable success in combining rapid economic growth with significant poverty reductions. Per capita income has increased from $100 in 1963 to more than $31,762 today (IMF, October 2021).


예술 관습과 케이팝


arts customs and kpop


20% of people in South Korea have the surname Kim, parties in South Korea take on a slightly different connotation from those in Brazil. While here it is common to go to a party just to dance, chat, meet new people or hang out with friends, parties in South Korea : 20% of people in South Korea have the surname Kim, parties in South Korea take on a slightly different connotation from those in Brazil. While here it is common to go to a party just to dance, chat, meet new people or hang out with friends, parties in South Korea.

ow many times has the country won the World Cup?

World Cup performance Total: 0 titles